The Philippines is a very diverse country. In history, the Spanish colonized the Philippines for approximately for 333 years. A long year under a foreign dominance has influenced prevalently among the Filipinos. After the Spaniards, Japanese dominated, then the latest were the Americans. With all the influences mystifying the Philippine culture; its culture is a sincerely distinct. One product of multi-cultural past of the Philippines, is the local Filipinos’ quite one-of-a-kind gestures.
Lip Pointing – This might be a big surprise for foreigners who visit the Philippines. The Filipinos usually “point their lips” when they what to point or direct at something. This could be in direction or referring to certain object.
Big Smiles – One attraction of the Philippines is the Filipino people itself. Most Filipinos generally wears a smile in their daily lives. It is normal for Filipinos to naturally smile to foreigners as a sign of friendship. This adds hospitality to the Philippine Culture.
Stare – Foreigners should not get offended when Filipinos stare. Quite often Filipinos stare for several reasons. It could be admiration, fascination of your clothes, amazed by something you wear. A stare in Philippine culture is not regarded negatively by the receiver unlike in western culture.
Eye Pointing – In addition to lip pointing, eye pointing is used by the Filipinos in the way pointing a finger is used. Using the eye to direct, point, relate to something. Eye pointing in the Philippine culture is a common occurrence among the locals. In some situation, eye pointing could mean a go-signal if prior discreet agreement has been done prior.
Elbowing – Elbowing someone in the Philippine culture is used to get the attention of someone. Depending on the situation, this connotes “stop” of what someone currently doing.
Gestures in the Philippine culture play a vital role in non-verbal communication between the locals. A foreigner who wishes to visit the lovely country needs to understand and respect the local’s gesture to avoid miscommunication or misunderstanding.